Building a crypto trading platform
In this series of tutorials I want to share with you how to build the components needed to create a complete crypto trading platform.
This can be a cryptocurrency exchange, a payment gateway, atomic swaps or many other use cases that have similar components at their core.
That said, I plan on covering the following topics:
- Part 1: Ethereum Wallet Manager
- Part 2: Bitcoin Wallet Manager
- Part 3: Ripple Wallet Manager
- Part 4: Vault Manager
- Part 5: Exchange engine
Part 1: The Ethereum Wallet Manager Service
The first topic we are going to cover is setting up an Ethereum Wallet Manager.
This service is very important because it allows our crypto trading platform to support multiple use cases, such as:
- Generate Ethereum deposit addresses.
- Get notified of new deposit transactions on watched addresses.
- Send signed transactions.
- Handle deposits from any number of ERC20 tokens.
- Deploy new contracts on the network and operate transactions on them.
1.1. Requirements
Before we proceed, we first need to make sure we meet our environment requirements:
- Docker - Docker has become the default in any new project lately. It makes it very easy to build, share, and deploy your application.
- Docker Compose - We will use Docker Compose to manage all the other requirements as a group and easily scale the services up or down.
The rest of the requirements come in the form of Docker images and we don't need to install anything else in order to use them, except write a simple Docker Compose configuration file like this one:
version: '3'
image: trufflesuite/ganache-cli
command: -m
image: redis:alpine
- "6379:6379"
command: redis-server --appendonly yes
- redis:/data
image: wurstmeister/zookeeper
- "2181:2181"
image: wurstmeister/kafka
- "9092:9092"
KAFKA_CREATE_TOPICS: "command:1:1,address.created:1:1,transaction:1:1,errors:1:1"
You can start these services by simply running docker-compose up -d
, which will download the
images from the Docker Registry and start each container with the environment variables defined
in the compose file above.
Let's see what we are using here and what each component does.
You can't have a wallet manager without a node connected to the Ethereum blockchain. Since we don't want to download the entire blockchain and work with real Ether, we use Ganache (formally TestRpc).
This will allow us to work faster since the blocks are mined instantly by the service. On production you will want to use something like Geth instead, to connect to the main Ethereum network.
We need some sort of database for storing the addreses we create and watch and for keeping track of transactions that have been processed.Redis is a great in-memory key/value database for this use case.
In this tutorial we will use the same Redis database to store the private keys that were generated for the addresses, but on a production server you should probably use something like Vault instead.
Apache Kafka will play a central role in our infrastructure as it will handle receiving messages from all services we build and then distribute them to other connected nodes.
For the Ethereum wallet manager service we will communicate through these topics:
The Apache Kafka server can be scaled independently and provides a distributed cluster for handling messages between services.
1.2. Language Choices
Personally, I am very fond of Elixir because you can build extremely reliable distributed applications that are very easy to understand and imply minimal effort, but when it comes to Ethereum the package ecosystem is not there yet.
For Ethereum development the best move would be using Node.js/Javascript. You get a lot more ready-to-use components out of the box, so for those reasons our manager will be a Node.js appplication.
1.3. Initial Setup
- We start off with a default node package by running the
npm init
command and following the process.
- We add some of the packages we use in order to provide most of the functionality of our service.
For this, run
npm install --save web3 redis kafka-node ethereumjs-tx bluebird
The first 3 dependencies are easy to understand. We need:
to connect to the Ganache/Ethereum node via websocketsredis
to connect to the Redis server to store/retrieve datakafka-node
to connect to Zookeeper, get a Kafka broker/server endpoint, and connect to it to produce or consume messages.
The last 2 are there to help us make the code easier to understand and take advantage of async/await when interacting with the Redis server.
Next, we use these packages to connect to the Redis, Ethereum and Kafka servers.
1.4. Connect to Services
Connecting to Redis is easy, just define a redis.js
file and write something similar to this code:
// load configuration
const config = require('../../config')
const redis = require('redis')
const bluebird = require('bluebird')
// promisify the redis client using bluebird
// create a new redis client and connect to the redis instance
const client = redis.createClient(config.redis_port, config.redis_host);
// if an error occurs, print it to the console
client.on('error', function (err) {
console.error("[REDIS] Error encountered", err)
module.exports = client;
If you think connecting to Redis was easy, then connecting to the Ethereum node using web3 will blow
your mind. Add this into an ethereum.js
const config = require('../../config')
const Web3 = require('web3')
module.exports = new Web3(config.uri)
Kafka, on the other hand, needs to consume or produce messages from the queue so we also need to define how these are configured.
Add a new queue.js
file like this:
const kafka = require('kafka-node')
const config = require('../../config')
// configure how the consumers should connect to the broker/servers
// each consumer creates his own connecto to a broker
const default_options = {
host: config.kafka_zookeeper_uri,
autoCommit: true,
fromOffset: 'earliest',
module.exports.consumer = (group_id = "ethereum_wallet_manager_consumer", topics = [], opts = {}) => {
const options = Object.assign({ groupId: group_id }, default_options, opts)
const consumer = new kafka.ConsumerGroup(options, topics)
return consumer
// configure how the producer connects to the Apache Kafka broker
// initiate the connection to the kafka client
const client = new kafka.Client(config.kafka_zookeeper_uri, config.kafka_client_id)
module.exports.client = client
const producer = new kafka.Producer(client)
// add a listener to the ready event
async function on_ready(cb) {
producer.on('ready', cb)
// define a method to send multiple messages to the given topic
// this will return a promise that will resolve with the response from Kafka
// messages are converted to JSON strings before they are added in the queue
async function send(topic, messages) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// convert objects to JSON strings
messages =
// add the messages to the given topic
producer.send([{ topic, messages}], function (err, data) {
if (err) return reject(err)
// expose only these methods to the rest of the application and abstract away
// the implementation of the producer to easily change it later
module.exports.on_ready = on_ready
module.exports.send = send
1.5. Build Your Ethereum Wallet Manager
We can now start to tackle each functionality on its own and explain the implications of each.
Creating new Ethereum accounts
Exchanges and payment gateways need to generate a new address for their clients when they want to start depositing funds to the service or pay for some product.
Generating a new unused Ethereum address is a basic requirement for any cryptocurrency service so let's see what we can do to get this out of the way.
First, we create a commands.js
file where we subscribe to commands from the message queue.
The goal is to have the following process:
- Connect to the
topic and listen for newcreate_account
commands. - When a
command arrives, create the new private/public keys and persist them in a vault. - Generate an
message and send it back to the queue under theaccount_created
const web3 = require("./ethereum")
const redis = require('./redis')
const queue = require('./queue')
* Listen to new commands from the queue
async function listen_to_commands() {
const queue_consumer = queue.consumer('eth.wallet.manager.commands', ['command'])
// process messages
queue_consumer.on('message', async function (topic_message) {
try {
const message = JSON.parse(topic_message.value)
// create the new address with some reply metadata to match the response to the request
const resp = await create_address(message.meta)
// if successful then post the response to the queue
if (resp) {
await queue_producer.send('address.created', [resp])
} catch (err) {
// in case something goes wrong catch the error and send it back in the 'errors' topic
console.error(topic_message, err)
queue_producer.send('errors', [{type: 'command', request: topic_message, error_code: err.code, error_message: err.message, error_stack: err.stack}])
return queue_consumer
* Create a new ethereum address and return the address
async function create_account(meta = {}) {
// generate the address
const account = await web3.eth.accounts.create()
// disable checksum when storing the address
const address = account.address.toLowerCase()
// save the public address in Redis without any transactions received yet
await redis.setAsync(`eth:address:public:${address}`, JSON.stringify({}))
// Store the private key in a vault.
// For demo purposes we use the same Redis instance, but this should be changed in production
await redis.setAsync(`eth:address:private:${address}`, account.privateKey)
return Object.assign({}, meta, {address: account.address})
module.exports.listen_to_commands = listen_to_commands
To use this, simply call the listen_to_commands()
method from this file and send a message
to the queue under the command
Process new transactions
Our wallet is not yet complete - we still need to be notified when any address we generated has received deposits.
For this, the Ethereum web3 client provides the newBlockHeaders
If the service breaks down, some blocks could get lost so we need to check if we have to sync our wallet to the latest block of the network.
Create a sync_blocks.js
file and add the following code:
const web3 = require('./ethereum')
* Sync blocks and start listening for new blocks
* @param {Number} current_block_number - The last block processed
* @param {Object} opts - A list of options with callbacks for events
async function sync_blocks(current_block_number, opts) {
// first sync the wallet to the latest block
let latest_block_number = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber()
let synced_block_number = await sync_to_block(current_block_number, latest_block_number, opts)
// subscribe to new blocks
web3.eth.subscribe('newBlockHeaders', (error, result) => error && console.log(error))
.on("data", async function(blockHeader) {
return await process_block(blockHeader.number, opts)
return synced_block_number
// Load all data about the given block and call the callbacks if defined
async function process_block(block_hash_or_id, opts) {
// load block information by id or hash
const block = await web3.eth.getBlock(block_hash_or_id, true)
// call the onTransactions callback if defined
opts.onTransactions ? opts.onTransactions(block.transactions) : null;
// call the onBlock callback if defined
opts.onBlock ? opts.onBlock(block_hash_or_id) : null;
return block
// Traverse all unprocessed blocks between the current index and the lastest block number
async function sync_to_block(index, latest, opts) {
if (index >= latest) {
return index;
await process_block(index + 1, opts)
return await sync_to_block(index + 1, latest, opts)
module.exports = sync_blocks
Here we only use the Ethereum connection to pass through every block from our current block number to the latest block number of the blockchain.
Once we've synced to the latest block number, we start subscribing to new blocks. For each block, we execute one of the following callback functions in order to process the new block and the list of transactions in it:
- onTransactions
- onBlock
In order to use this, we need to define what we want to do for each of these events.
Usually, you'd want to follow this process:
- Listen for new blocks and get all transactions processed in that block.
- Filter out the transactions that do not affect the addresses in our wallet.
- For each relevant transaction add it to the address and send a message to the queue.
- Send funds to a cold wallet for safer storage until it is withdrawn.
- Update the last block number processed.
These points are addressed in this final code sample:
const web3 = require("web3")
const redis = require('./redis')
const queue = require('./queue')
const sync_blocks = require('./sync_blocks')
* Start syncing blocks and listen for new transactions on the blockchain
async function start_syncing_blocks() {
// start from the last block number processed or 0 (you can use the current block before deploying for the first time)
let last_block_number = await redis.getAsync('eth:last-block')
last_block_number = last_block_number || 0
// start syncing blocks
sync_blocks(last_block_number, {
// for every new block update the latest block value in redis
onBlock: update_block_head,
// for new transactions check each transaction and see if it's new
onTransactions: async (transactions) => {
for (let i in transactions) {
await process_transaction(transactions[i])
// save the lastest block on redis
async function update_block_head(head) {
return await redis.setAsync('eth:last-block', head)
// process a new transaction
async function process_transaction(transaction) {
const address =
const amount_in_ether = web3.utils.fromWei(transaction.value)
// check if the receiving address has been generated by our wallet
const watched_address = await redis.existsAsync(`eth:address:public:${address}`)
if (watched_address !== 1) {
return false
// then check if it's a new transaction that should be taken into account
const transaction_exists = await redis.existsAsync(`eth:address:public:${address}`)
if (transaction_exists === 1) {
return false
// update the list of transactions for that address
const data = await redis.getAsync(`eth:address:public:${address}`)
let addr_data = JSON.parse(data)
addr_data[transaction.hash] = {
value: amount_in_ether
await redis.setAsync(`eth:address:public:${address}`, JSON.stringify(addr_data))
await redis.setAsync(`eth:transaction:${transaction.hash}`, transaction)
// move funds to the cold wallet address
// const cold_txid = await move_to_cold_storage(address, amount_in_ether)
// send notification to the kafka server
await queue_producer.send('transaction', [{
txid: transaction.hash,
value: amount_in_ether,
from: transaction.from,
//cold_txid: cold_txid,
return true
module.exports = start_syncing_blocks
And that would be it for processing new transactions on Ethereum and completing this first step towards setting up a crypto trading platform.
This service can be further improved with:
- error handling
- multiple types of commands
- signing transactions and executing transactions
- deploying contracts.
Adding the features above (and many others) can be a good exercise for you to make until we release the next piece in the series.
I hope this article has been useful and you now better understand how services like crypto exchanges and crypto payment gateways work.