I’m Cosmin Harangus. I live in Cluj Napoca, Romania, where I build software for startups and for myself.

I'm a Fullstack Senior Software Engineer that likes to code in Elixir and Go, writes clean code and doesn't back out of a technical challenge. On the frontend I have a lot of experience with ReactJS (since its initial release and it's precursor Flow) and TailwindCSS.

I've been involved in creating the entire architecture of an European crypto exchange, build a open source matching engine in Go that can handle +200k trades/second, refactored an AI chatbot to allows it to scale with zero database requests and <50ms latency for non third party requests, built a social network in Elixir with optimised uploads, group instant chat with online presence and complex feed features and advised several startups on how to build their products faster.

Previously (since 2004 when I started working professionally) I used the latest open source tech to achieve the best results for my clients and was not afraid to learn new tech. I started with PHP and continued with Javascript, Angular, Flow, React, NodeJs, Go and Elixir.

I am also proficient working with AWS/GCP, Docker and Kubernetes.

Currently looking to be involved with companies that build high performance products using Elixir or Go, so I can have the biggest impact from the start.